Research Events

India is one of the biodiversity-rich countries in the world but it is equally overpopulated. Thus, except the protected areas, much of the biodiversity here is largely ‘utilised’ and ‘managed’ by communities. Unfortunately, the biodiversity is at stake due to human activities, mainly through over-exploitation of the biological resources due to lack of awareness.

The dedicated efforts towards assessment and documentation of this loss are very meagre. Thus, proper conservation measures are essential to regulate this loss. The conservation of biological diversity is possible only with sustainable utilization of its various components. It is best understood that local community participation is vital for effective biodiversity conservation. Involvement of local communities in various processes of conservation, assures the success and ensures sustainability. This is the rationale behind developing People Biodiversity Register across India. The active involvement of locals also assures the sustainable utilization of local flora and fauna.

We at Nidus has undertaken various projects, especially outside the protected areas, with the prime aim of biodiversity documentation across various seasons. This data will be generated by citizen scientists who are trained in our various programs. With this, we are providing them with the opportunity to actively involve in conservation projects. We are also working with the respective forest departments and their staff in such studies.

Fee: ₹ Volunteer based/-


This proposed three-year project is about the biodiversity inventory of one of the critically endangered habitats of the Western Ghats, Myristica swamps. Intensive surveys will be carried out to document various flora and fauna known in these swamps across various seasons.